How about trying a classic and delicious "tomato bruschetta" for dinner?

Let's present the simplest and tastiest meal that can be tried for a snack during dinner. Here's how you can try it at home with the simplest ingredients:
- Fresh tomatoes (4-5 medium-sized)
- Baguette or rustic bread
- Fresh basil leaves
- Garlic cloves (2-3)
- Olive oil
- Balsamic vinegar (optional)
- Salt and pepper to taste
How to prepare:
Baking preparation: cut a baguette or rustic bread into slices. Brush each slice with olive oil. Then roast them in the oven or frying pan available in your kitchen until they become crispy.
Tomatoes: remove the skin from the tomatoes, then cut them into small cubes and put them in a bowl. Then chop the basil leaves and mix with chopped tomatoes. Sprinkle a little olive oil and balsamic vinegar in case of use. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Mix everything gently.
Assemble the bruschetta: once the bread is toasted, take a clove of garlic and rub it on the surface of each slice for extra flavor. Then pour the tomato mixture on each slice of bread.
Serving: Arrange the bruschetta on a plate and garnish with additional basil leaves. Serve immediately while the bread is still warm and crispy.

This is how you will enjoy a delicious tomato bruschetta dinner!